Monday, January 15, 2007


The longing for Spring comes at different times to different folks, but it comes. The longing may come so late as to hit the dead when they notice Spring blooms only available on slides. Others long for Spring before Fall is finished, thinking to skip Winter all together.

With means,
or large loans, there are those who skip Winter via multiple dwellings in various climate zones. Some walk winter's white waiting while wishing water wings wiggled wondrously in the warm. Yea, some get a little "W'd" in Winter. Spring beckons and draws our face forward.

No more profound time of Face Forward than 11:59 PM on December 31st. It is called New Year, but the energy of the moment is truly New Beginning. New,
get-it-right-this-time, beginning. Since our youth, the electric moment of last year ending and this year beginning has been something to loose sleep over, literally. Face Front. We look over the past year, but only to let go of it and turn to the unknown possibilities of what lies ahead. After its short death, the seed may root for a while downward, but only for the purchase to secure it in order to spend the majority of life's energy pressing upward. Amazingly, it reaches deeper so that it can grow higher. Face Forward. Face UPWARD. All have certain cells that, by design, desire to align to light. The more suppression, the more muscle to break through. I took a short cut across a huge parking lot of a closed business. I was walking and started to be amazed at all the plants that had broken through the black-top and seemed to be thriving. Some might call them weeds, but I was thinking of them as life. Living plants, breaking through from beneath and from above, but tearing up that man made crust. Face Forward. I walked across an enormous parade ground. I was on lunch break and headed across the field to find some private place for my break. I became aware of so much space around me that I found my private place in the midst of a parade ground. I read awhile, ate a light lunch, and eventually lay down to rest in the Mid-Spring sun. The field was newly cut and I could see the fresh cut tops of blades of grass. I had a flash of feeling of the violence each blade encounters when mowed. Then of the billions of blades. I wondered at the brutality suffered to produce order in another life zone. I gazed down through the chopped grass, beyond the dead bodies of the blades, and saw tiny new sprouts reaching forth in the shadow of elder brothers. Face Forward. New Life. Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall. Winter, SPRING, Summer, Fall. Winter, SPRING, Summer, Fall. Face Forward. Face Forward, we don't need no varmint rodent to broadcast our longing for Spring. Just wait a spell, rest a little, take deep breaths, keep warm, read a little more, Spring IS coming.

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

Face Forward, indeed. Amen!! Ready for Spring.