Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Sittin' in a burger franchise, takin' the bread off a slice of chicken that may have never walked on this planet, adding jalapeno slices to get some flavor out of this critter... and I see this young blond across from my booth.

Young, perhaps not old enough to be baby sitting the child in the high chair beside her.
"Too young to have a baby, surely", I think to myself. Pony tail, a few pubescent blemishes, T-shirt with some school slogan, eating chicken planks, french fries and drinking a soda through a straw.

Again I think,
"Too young to be the Mother!" Then I see it. I see that thing in her eyes as she leans over and blows kisses to her son. " Yea, this is no baby sitter", I say to myself, "This is Mom!" Young enough for this baby to really have a friend when he grows - if he takes time to see this girl that has given him life.

If she's not mom, she has that magic only women possess. That power to melt a baby face into bright smiles and hold me hugs. God is amazing and this young lady reminds me how sweet it was for Him to put Adam asleep while He excavated His wonder from us, and FOR us.

It is a good thing to celebrate Mother's Day. Here's another celebration of life happening in a burger joint. I hope she's not a single mom, but sense that if she is - she'll make it. God bless her! God bless this baby. Thank You, Father for granting me this moment in the midst of Your wonder.

"Ohhh yea... he's got his mother's eyes."

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

Sweet. You remind me of someone I used to hang out with. :)