Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Heat Waves

I'm reminded of CORE values when I experience motorcycle riding in temperatures at or above 95 degrees.

Most people realize without thinking that the real FUN times during summer heat waves are those times we get close to water. What we may not think about is how access to water, both swimming and drinking, keeps the CORE temperature of our bodies from over heating and causing serious health dangers. People die every year from heat stroke.

When I'm riding in heat the first thing I pay more attention to is what I'm drinking and make sure I drink more quantity. Soon, however, that is not enough. For the simple reason that 70 mph in 95+ degrees is like putting your body in a blast furnace. If there are no clouds, the road heat continues to intensify until one is riding on top of a skillet and inside a furnace. See what I mean? Oh, how shade is a blessing from God!

Most of the time, I simply design my travel to be in hours of the day that are under the 95 degree mark. When a trip requires that I spend more time in a high level of heat, I stop and put on a "wet-vest". I can soak it quickly in water and it acts as an evaporative cooler on my chest and back, keeping my core from overheating. It is quite effective and makes the ride extremely more pleasant.

However, the level of heat effects how quickly the vest dries out. I've had it work for over an hour and a half, and I've had it stop working and turn into thermal underwear in less than half an hour. Gotta pay attention to your CORE values.

If I extrapolate this into the Spiritual I recognize that we cannot depend upon the "letter" of a set of principles to guard our CORE values, (guard our Hearts). We need to pay attention to, however NOT focus upon, the level of 'evil' of any given day. Remember Jesus saying, "...each day has enough evil of its own...." (Matt. 6:34)

Personal devotions need to possess this same level of attention. They are fine as a discipline set at a particular time of day, but drawing upon the essence of fellowship with God is not necessarily finished just because we did our daily devotions.

If I ride in heat that dries out my wet-vest and refuse to stop and re-soak it in water, I've chosen to take my core into even greater heat due to the vest becoming excess clothing. If we try and force 'snack-size' devotions into a living relationship with God, we only increase our dependence upon flesh and become more of what we were trying to overcome.

Hey, ride safe, pay attention, and I hope to see you, UP the road. Leo


That Janie Girl said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere...and stay cool!

That Janie Girl said...

Scott is posting at www.fiberhawk.blogspot.com