Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Walked the quads during lunch break today. Stopped and sat at a bench along the Trinity River and let them snag some shade. (what are they gonna do when it gets hot?) As I looked at the river I noted that current and perhaps the wind made the surface appear to have many streams within the whole of the river. I tried to count the different faces on the surface, but to no avail. I'll suffice it to say that there were more than 10.

It made me think about the River of God. His River makes glad the City of God. I'm glad that I no longer have to sit and look at His river. I drowned in it long ago and have been soaring with the current ever since. It was a good lunch break.

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

Good to see you back on blogger. I was at your website tonight and thought (among other things)
"why is he not double posting this stuff on blogger and his website? it is so good!"